Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Choice

Allie in the end did decide to stay with Noah. Despite the wedding and what her parents wanted she went with what she wanted the most. I don't know if I would be able to make that decision without considering Lon and my parents. I don't know if i would be able to do what I thought was right and what felt right verse what was easy. Going with Lon would be the easiest thing to do in her place because thats what Lon and her parents wanted. She at one time thought she wanted to be with Lon but when she reunited with Noah she found something that was missing. So she ended up going back to Noah. I hope I never have to make that decision. 

What Now?

Noah had a hard time getting over Allie before she came back. He wrote her many letters and all went unanswered. He didn't try to move on for about a year. After that he packed his bags and moved to a city and worked as a construction worker. After working there for awhile he joined the army and was recruited to Vietnam. He spent years across the sea than finally came home and lived with his dad. They rebuilt an old house together. While building Noah's dad got really sick and eventually past away. This killed Noah because he had already lost Allie and now he had to lose his father. But when Allie came back he had a new found sense of hope in his life. 

Should She? Shouldn't She?

Allie while engaged sees a picture of Noah in the newspaper and decides to go see him. She tells Lon and her family she just needs to get away from planning the wedding because it was really stressful. Lon being the understanding husband lets her go with no questions. She almost turns back many times but something kept her going. She went and saw Noah and they had dinner and he asked her to come back. Immediately they reunited and were back in each others life. There was just one complicated detail, Lon. I don't know what i would do if i was Allie in this situation. She is caught in between two lives. One with Noah and one with Lon. These two paths would make completely different life for her and she has a really hard time choosing. 

All You Need Is Love

For one summer Allie and Noah were together. They were out of their minds in love. Allie's parents did not approve of there relationship at all because they thought that Noah was wasn't good enough for her. It is comforting to know that my parents would not let me be with someone because of there background. I would probably do the same thing Allie did and not listen to my parents in her situation. No matter how much her parents told her it was for her own good she didn't listen and was still with Noah because love was all that matters to her. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Allie Nelson

Allie is the other main character in this novel. Allie is engaged to Lon. A respectable kind person. But her first love will always be Noah. She gets herself into a difficult situation because she goes to find Noah and doesn't tell her husband about it. Allie is a city girl, the opposite of Noah but somehow when they were together for that summer they connected. The loved each other so much but when the summer ended they parted ways. That is when Allie met Lon. She talks to him on the phone so he doesn't think anything is wrong but deep down she knows she is lying to him about why she had left town. 

Noah Calhoun

Noah is the main character in the novel. He is a very laid back guy. He loves to read poetry, sit out looking at the stars, go to movies and relax. He was from the country and is the kind of person who goes with the flow. He takes one day at a time. I see him being most like my brother. My brother loves the country and seems to always have his priorities in order. Also he is just as laid back as Noah is. My dad on the other hand he is the opposite. My dad always has to have a plan and is the kind of guy who plans things months ahead. My dad is very much a city guy than a country guy like Noah and my brother are. 

THe Notebook

I chose the The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. It is a love story that I have always wanted to read. I have seen the movie countless times and have discussed it with my siblings. I have always wanted to read the book to compare and contrast the difference from the book and the movie. In the introduction Noah is talking about this girl that he goes to see in the nursing home that he lives in. Everyday he reads to her the same story. Although to her it is a new story everyday because she suffers form Alzheimer's. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Physical Pain

Not only was the Trail of Tears emotionally painful but there were many physical concepts that made the Cherokee Indians walk harder. The US government didn’t take into consideration the Cherokee culture or society. Troops force them to leave their homes and walk to camps in Oklahoma. “By the time the remaining Cherokees reached Oklahoma, nearly 8,000 of their relatives had perished” (Rolo). Mark Rolo tries to explain some of the horrifying news people learned after they got to the camps. Some of the routes they took became longer than expected because they had to walk around cities. While walking many people suffered from starvation and thirst because there was a food and water shortage. Weather also played a role in their pain. In the summer there was extreme heat and extreme rains. Since they didn’t have the proper clothing the weather made an even bigger impact on there lives that caused them to turn really sick. The most common diseases were measles and the whooping cough. The lack of medicine caused many deaths. “Road conditions, illness and the distress of winter, particularly in southern Illinois while detachments waited to cross the ice-choked Mississippi, made death a daily occurrence” (Pike). John Pike sums up the Trail of Tears in these few words. The Trail of Tears was more than a walk, it was a journey filled with pain and suffering.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Bollywood is different from Hollywood. Bollywood is Hindu language film produced in India. Bollywood isn't the only film producing companies in India but it is one of the largest. It is one of the largest in the world. Unlike Hollywood, Bollywood is not a physical place. It is a type of movie produced. More and more of these films are being produced in English. As you can see Bollywood is very different from Hollywood.

Peru Culture

Peru is a country in south Africa. Archaeologists have recently found instruments that suggest that Peru's music has been around for at least 10,000 years. Peru's clothing is influenced by European styles of clothing. Although their style is very distinct. Peru also has over 3000 festivals every year! Not everyone celebrates them though. Finally is Peru's art. It has the most variety of art in the world. The different colors, styles, diversity and creativity add to the arts beautiful finish product.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Evolution is change that happens over a really long time. Evolution varies from many different things. It could be the population or how we look and act. Some people believe that this has been taking place for the past 300 million years. Others don't believe in it at all. Scientists believe that evolution is the changing of a animal or plant over millions of years. The organisms in these animals and plants take a very long time to change. The things that they change vary from animal to animal or plant to plant.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


When i started to look for a text about hope I was originally going to try and find a story about someone having hope. Although that's not what I found. I found a poem about hope that relates to the book Nectar and a Sieve. It says that without hope one will be lost and that hope gives us a sense of direction. This relates to Nectar and a Sieve because Rukmani has hope there for she knows the direction to go. Also throughout the book when a character starts to loose hope that is when that character becomes lost. I think the main point of this poem is to show that you should always have hope no matter what because if you loose that you could loose everything.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Religions In India

My dad visited India last year and he came back and told us how different it was. The first thing he mentioned was the religions that he saw and learned about. Hinduism is the most common religion. About 80% of the population in India is Hindu. About 12% of the population is Islam and about 2.5% is Christian. This is very different from American religion because in the US most of the population is Christian where as in India only 2.5% is.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gender Roles

In my European text book they talked a lot about gender roles and the difference of men and women in society. A long time ago men were always considered the head of the family. The men were always the ones who would go out and support the family. Where as the women would stay home and care for the family. The women were usually the ones who would cook and clean. Most married couples would want a boy rather than a girl because boys were able to go out and make a living where a girl they would have to find a husband for her in order for her to be taken care of. Also some jobs only men were allowed to have. Now women and men have more equal responsibilities in the household.

Monday, February 9, 2009

African Culture

African Culture is a lot different from American culture. For example music and dance is drastically different. In Africa music and dance is passed on by oral tradition. There dances are dances there family has danced in the passed. They also believe that there music is a avenue of communication. Song is a very important way of communicating. Even with the urbanization that has happen in Africa and the impact of the west there music and dance is still practiced. Not as much but it has not died away. Most of there musical instruments are hand built and are mostly percussion instruments. Dance is also a important form of communication. African culture is very different from the American culture.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

19 Minutes

I just started a new book called 19 minutes. It is about this girl who is a straight A student, loved by everyone in her school, her mom really cares about her, and she has a amazing boyfriend. Yet she still finds a part of herself missing. She starts to collect some of her mothers pills and collects 15 of them and plans on washing them down with vodka to try and kill herself. Where i left off she had just stayed up all night studying for a test and she goes upstairs to change for school and comes down and her boyfriend Matt is standing in the kitchen. He walks her to school but she still feels like she doesn't belong.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Last Trait

I thought that this activity showed what means the most to the person. What trait or characteristic they have that they would never want to loose. Some people I dont think took it seriously becasue they wrote things down that they could live without like the color of there hair or how old they were. In order for this activity to work everyone should of put down things they thought they would never loose. It would of made the entire activity harder. This activity at the beginning was really easy but the longer it went on the harder it got pick which one to throw away. By the end some people had to make really hard decisions. The last one in my hand was sister. I love my siblings and i get along with all of them. I wouldn't give anything in the whole world for them. I can't imagine life without them. That is why i kept that one till the very end. They mean the most to me in my life. The second to last one I gave away is Lutheran. I can't even think about a life without being able to go to church. I go as often as I can. If my religion or my sibilings were taken from me i don't know what I would do. That is why i held on to those two till the very end.