Monday, October 20, 2008

Hurricane Katrina

The first heroes I thought of were hurricane Katrina heroes. So many people helped out and saved other peoples lives and they all go unnoticed. Without these peoples help Louisiana would not be as far as they are today. What I think made these people heroes is that they didn't do what they did to enrich their lives. They did it to simply help someone in need. They didn't expect anything from anybody. They only did it because it was the right thing to do.

The Vancouver Urban Search and Rescue Team saved over a hundred people after Hurricane Katrina.

This picture shows someones house that got ruined during the hurricane.

Some people believe that doctors are Katrina's greatest heroes.

This is a Video of how the military also helped the Hurricane Katrina victims and took them to safety.

Hurricane –Vociferous, violent, vehement, vacillating,Sister of Camille, Andrew and Ivan, Lover of the calamity of mankind, the eradication of a region, and the ravaging of villages,Who feels superiority over the seas, vitality from the winds, and malice against the coast,Who possesses supreme authority, the appearance of invincibility, and relentless persistence,Who brings annihilation, obliteration, and mutilation to all in her path,Who is feared by old, new, rich, poor,Who would like to see the demolition of levees, the thrashing of the environment and the shattering of families,Who lives in the memories of countless men, women and children across the nation,-Katrina.

This is a poem about Hurricane Katrina that shows the true horrors of it and how it affected everyone.

"The National Guard, I'm grateful that they were protecting the city" Elieen Duke said this after the storm had hit explaining how happy she was when people helped her.

"Right now, the only thing I'm trying to do is help out the city, you know what I'm saying?" — Terry Halsell. Terry is a boy who went around helping people repaint houses and rebuild things just because he wanted to help out.

I found that the people who are the true heroes of Hurricane Katrina are the ones who helped by choice. The people who did helped for the money or did it because it was there job i don't think are the heroes. Although the people who gave up time to come down by choice or offer free medical attention or simply to spend time with some of the kids that houses were ruined those are the real heroes.

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