Monday, November 17, 2008

A Man Named Dave

I chose the book A Man Named Dave by Dave Pelzer. It is the third book in a series. The other two books are called A Child Called It and The Lost Boy. Dave Pelzer wrote these books about his own life. Dave was severly abused when he was a kid. His mother would beat him everyday. He wasn't allowed to do anything talk, eat, go to the bathroom, sit, or do anything without her permission. His mom treated his brothers properly and his dad didn't do anything about her actions. He wasn't even aware of everything his wife was doing. Eventually Davids name when from David to Boy to It. David wasn't considered a member of the family by the time he was six. His mother would have him go weeks without food. David had to eat out of trash cans to survive. Some of the things his mother did was stab him, choke him, slap him, and push him down the stairs. I chose this book because it is a very interesting story. It makes me realize how much i love my family and how much they mean to me. I do fight with them a lot but i know that they would never do anything like what David's parents did to him.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bike Injury

In Blaine recently a 16 year old boy was seriously injured in a bike accident. The boys name hasn't been released yet to the public. The boy collided with a car around 8:30 am. He suffered a head injury. The driver was questioned at the scene but than released. He cooperated very well with officials though. The Blaine police department, the State Patrol and the Anoka County Sheriff's Office are the people who are investigating this case. The boys condition is unknown as of this morning.

Triple Murder

In this article Johnny Lee Ellis Jr was charged with killing his girlfriend Angela Vigen, her mother and her sister. Johnny is 38 years old. He is being accused of stabbing all 3 victims. Not only did he stab them but he did it in there own home in Mounds View. Johnny was living with all three of them when this happened. Johnny Lee Ellis Jr is the number one suspect in this case.

Grave Robbery

I read a article on and it was about a grave robbery in Wisconsin. The body was stolen from the Western Wisconsin Cemetery. The police have not found the body or the person who stole it. They are however investigating and hoping they find the thief soon. They also don't know why this person or people would steal the body. The Barron County Sheriff's office are the people who are investigating this case.

Dog Saves Kittens

I read a article about a dog saving 5 little kittens. In Australia a house caught on fire. When the firefighters went to try and put it out they found a surprise. A little dog protecting the 5 kittens from the burning flames. The did revive the dog and he is now healthy and considered a dog hero.

Speak- Post 2

I finished the book. What happened was that Melinda was at a party and she met this guy. Who is now dating her best friend. At the time though he wasn't and he met her at the party. He took her to his car and raped her. She than called the cops and the cops came and busted the party. Everyone was mad at her because there was drugs and alcohol at the party so alot of peoples friends were busted. Many people were arrested and taken away. That is why people stopped talking to her. At the end of the book though people found out what happened and became her friend again.

Speak- Post 1

So far it is about this girl named Melinda. She is in hig school. For some reason she doesnt connect with the students anymore. She lost most of her friends for something that happened at a party. Everyone hates her but the reader doesnt know why yet. Melinda used to be popular but now she is the opposite. Her parents don't know anything is wrong though.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I read a article about Barack Obama and his beliefs on certain issues, for example the war. Obama believes that all troops should be withdrawn from Iraq. Obama was against the war from the beginning and wants it to end. Obama also wants to increase minimum wage. Even though he supports civil unions he is against same sex marraiges. Also Obama wants universal healthcare. On the issue of abortion Obama is pro-choice. These are just some of the issues that the article covered on Barack Obama's beliefs.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Hurricane Katrina

The first heroes I thought of were hurricane Katrina heroes. So many people helped out and saved other peoples lives and they all go unnoticed. Without these peoples help Louisiana would not be as far as they are today. What I think made these people heroes is that they didn't do what they did to enrich their lives. They did it to simply help someone in need. They didn't expect anything from anybody. They only did it because it was the right thing to do.

The Vancouver Urban Search and Rescue Team saved over a hundred people after Hurricane Katrina.

This picture shows someones house that got ruined during the hurricane.

Some people believe that doctors are Katrina's greatest heroes.

This is a Video of how the military also helped the Hurricane Katrina victims and took them to safety.

Hurricane –Vociferous, violent, vehement, vacillating,Sister of Camille, Andrew and Ivan, Lover of the calamity of mankind, the eradication of a region, and the ravaging of villages,Who feels superiority over the seas, vitality from the winds, and malice against the coast,Who possesses supreme authority, the appearance of invincibility, and relentless persistence,Who brings annihilation, obliteration, and mutilation to all in her path,Who is feared by old, new, rich, poor,Who would like to see the demolition of levees, the thrashing of the environment and the shattering of families,Who lives in the memories of countless men, women and children across the nation,-Katrina.

This is a poem about Hurricane Katrina that shows the true horrors of it and how it affected everyone.

"The National Guard, I'm grateful that they were protecting the city" Elieen Duke said this after the storm had hit explaining how happy she was when people helped her.

"Right now, the only thing I'm trying to do is help out the city, you know what I'm saying?" — Terry Halsell. Terry is a boy who went around helping people repaint houses and rebuild things just because he wanted to help out.

I found that the people who are the true heroes of Hurricane Katrina are the ones who helped by choice. The people who did helped for the money or did it because it was there job i don't think are the heroes. Although the people who gave up time to come down by choice or offer free medical attention or simply to spend time with some of the kids that houses were ruined those are the real heroes.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Unlikely Angel

This week i started to read a book called Unlikely Angel. It is about a average women who went home from work one day and her world flipped upside down. A man comes to her house and holds her hostage. They are sitting in the bathroom and so many thoughts go through her mind as he holds the gun to her head. Thoughts like: Am i going to live? Is he going to rape me? and what does he want? I don't know what i would do if i was in her position. Also I be scared out of my mind and have so many things go through my mind. I think that this book is starting to show that in a matter of seconds your life can completely change.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Civil Action: Ecology

In A Civil Action it talks about our relationship with the earth and how we treat it. I thought that the movie showed how we took the earth for granted. That we assume its always going to be the same no matter how we treat it. In the movie it demonstrated what could happen if we do not treat the earth properly. I hope that those who watch A Civil Action will put more effort in taking care of the earth.

Obama or McCain

I read a article this week that said that in the Minnesota poll that Obama has pulled ahead of McCain. The title of the article was Minnesota Poll: Obama Leaps ahead of McCain. In the poll 1,084 people voted. 55% voted for Obama and only 37% voted for McCain. Obama seems to be ahead of all men, women, all ages and amount of education. In Ohio, Virginia and Florida Obama is ahead. In Florida he was ahead by eight percentage points. Obama has successfully pulled ahead of McCain.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Parents with a Facebook??

One thing that I read this week was a article about parents having facebooks. The article took the side of parents not having a facebook. Some people find it a invasion of privacy. Parents should be able to check there child's facebooks but not have on of there own. Facebook is monitored and any inappropriate content is taken off immediatly. The article clearly stated why parents shouldnt have a facebook.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I recently read a article called Meth possession nets 30 years for intention to distribute drug. This article is about two guys who were sentenced to 30 years in prison. When cops pulled them over because of a trafic violation they found methamphetamine and semiautomatic pistol in there car. When i read this article I was really happy that they caught them. They deserve every single day that they spend in prison because if they didnt get caught the drugs would take away alot more than 30 years of there life.
My favorite quote from Animal Dreams is "Every man that had ever loved me loved Hallie more but settled for me." I think that this quote really shows how Codi see's Hallie. How she thinks that Hallie is the better or the two sisters. This quote i also think foreshadows the book a little bit. It seems to show how she thinks of all the relationships with her boyfriends and how she thinks they all want Hallie more than her which isn't the case.

My Favorite character in the book so far is Lloyd. He tries to lead Codi to think that she belongs. Also it seems like no matter what he is gonna love Codi. He will always do whats right for her. He told her what Hallie was trying to tell her. That this is her life and she has to start living it.

I think the most important scene in the book so far is the first one. When Doc Homer is talking about Codi and Hallie. It foreshadows the whole book. It shows that they are going to loose each other. Also it shows that he wants to be closer to the girls.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I liked My sisters Keeper because it reminded me of my sisters and I. It made me want to be more close to my sisters like how close Anna and Kate are.
My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult is my all time favorite book. It is about two sisters and there challenges to survive. The oldest girl Kate has leukemia and needs blood and bone marrow transplants a lot. Her little sister Anna was created in a Petri dish to match Kate. Anna goes almost weekly to the hospital to get blood drawn or other painful procedures. One day Anna went to a lawyer and tells him that she wants to sue her parents for rights to her own body.

Codi and Homero Double Bubble

This is a double bubble map comparing and contrasting Codi and Homero.

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