Sunday, February 22, 2009


Evolution is change that happens over a really long time. Evolution varies from many different things. It could be the population or how we look and act. Some people believe that this has been taking place for the past 300 million years. Others don't believe in it at all. Scientists believe that evolution is the changing of a animal or plant over millions of years. The organisms in these animals and plants take a very long time to change. The things that they change vary from animal to animal or plant to plant.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


When i started to look for a text about hope I was originally going to try and find a story about someone having hope. Although that's not what I found. I found a poem about hope that relates to the book Nectar and a Sieve. It says that without hope one will be lost and that hope gives us a sense of direction. This relates to Nectar and a Sieve because Rukmani has hope there for she knows the direction to go. Also throughout the book when a character starts to loose hope that is when that character becomes lost. I think the main point of this poem is to show that you should always have hope no matter what because if you loose that you could loose everything.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Religions In India

My dad visited India last year and he came back and told us how different it was. The first thing he mentioned was the religions that he saw and learned about. Hinduism is the most common religion. About 80% of the population in India is Hindu. About 12% of the population is Islam and about 2.5% is Christian. This is very different from American religion because in the US most of the population is Christian where as in India only 2.5% is.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gender Roles

In my European text book they talked a lot about gender roles and the difference of men and women in society. A long time ago men were always considered the head of the family. The men were always the ones who would go out and support the family. Where as the women would stay home and care for the family. The women were usually the ones who would cook and clean. Most married couples would want a boy rather than a girl because boys were able to go out and make a living where a girl they would have to find a husband for her in order for her to be taken care of. Also some jobs only men were allowed to have. Now women and men have more equal responsibilities in the household.

Monday, February 9, 2009

African Culture

African Culture is a lot different from American culture. For example music and dance is drastically different. In Africa music and dance is passed on by oral tradition. There dances are dances there family has danced in the passed. They also believe that there music is a avenue of communication. Song is a very important way of communicating. Even with the urbanization that has happen in Africa and the impact of the west there music and dance is still practiced. Not as much but it has not died away. Most of there musical instruments are hand built and are mostly percussion instruments. Dance is also a important form of communication. African culture is very different from the American culture.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

19 Minutes

I just started a new book called 19 minutes. It is about this girl who is a straight A student, loved by everyone in her school, her mom really cares about her, and she has a amazing boyfriend. Yet she still finds a part of herself missing. She starts to collect some of her mothers pills and collects 15 of them and plans on washing them down with vodka to try and kill herself. Where i left off she had just stayed up all night studying for a test and she goes upstairs to change for school and comes down and her boyfriend Matt is standing in the kitchen. He walks her to school but she still feels like she doesn't belong.